Resize Image to 35×45 MM

Click here or drag and drop an image file (or multiple files)

Resize Image to 35×45 MM” Tool

Resizing images to 35×45 mm is often essential for documents like passports, ID cards, and licenses, which demand exact dimensions to meet official standards. Achieving this precision can be difficult without professional editing software. The “Resize Image to 35×45 MM” tool streamlines this process, allowing users to resize their photos quickly and accurately. This tool not only saves time but also eliminates the frustration of manually adjusting image dimensions. With just a few clicks, it provides high-quality, correctly sized images, making it ideal for anyone who needs consistent and professional results for official documentation.

Size changed to mm

Sample Image: Resized Image to Millimeter

How It Works:

  1. Choose Your Image: Upload the photo or illustration you want to resize.
  2. Select Format (Optional): Pick a format if you need customization, by defult is jpeg but you can select to jpg, png, gif or pdf.
  3. Resize to 35×45 MM: Click the button, and the tool will automatically adjust your image to 35×45 mm.
  4. Save: Download your resized image, ready for use.


  • User-Friendly: Perfect for any skill level, no editing experience needed.
  • Automated and Accurate: The tool adjusts dimensions accurately, saving you time.
  • Ideal for Documents: Great for official requirements like passports and IDs.

The “Resize Image to 35×45 MM” tool is a powerful yet simple solution for precise image resizing. Its user-friendly design and automated process make resizing effortless, adhering to standard dimensions with accuracy. Whether you’re a photographer, designer, or just need quick resizing, this tool is a valuable asset.

Try it today to streamline your image resizing tasks!

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